TEP is now enrolling for the 2025-26 school year! Apply to enroll today.

Impact & Outcomes

Select Accomplishments:

Explore Further

TEP has a dedicated High School Placement Director who works closely with 8th grade students and families to help match each student with a strong fit high school, including public, specialized, charter, parochial, independent, private and boarding high schools.  

As part of our High School Placement program, we also support eligible students in grades 5-7 in applying to programs such as Oliver Scholars, Prep for Prep and A Better Chance whose mission is to support and prepare students for the competitive admissions process to independent, private and boarding high schools. 

Mathematica Report

When TEP first opened in 2009, Mathematica Policy Research one of the countrys premier research groups received funding to conduct a long-term study of TEP, examining TEPs impacts over the course of its first 4 years from 2009 through 2013. Mathematicas Report on TEP on was released in October 2014.


The following New York City and New York State reports provide the most recent information about TEP’s results.

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Student Life