The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School believes that teacher quality is the most important factor in achieving educational equity for students from traditionally underserved communities. Spurred by this belief, TEP reallocates its public funds by making an unprecedented investment in attracting and retaining great teachers.
TEP's Revolutionary Approach
Salary of all TEP master teachers.
Number of TEP students in Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Highest Student Performance (ELA & Math) among all non-selective middle schools in District 6 for the past 4 years.
TEP is #1 out of all NYC public K-8 schools and daycare providers, in terms of total Parent Response Count on the 2023 NYC DOE Survey.
TEP students outperform all NYC students on NYS 2023 Math exam by 14%.
In 2024, 96% of current 8th grade students who started at TEP in Kindergarten scored proficient on NYS Math Exams, compared to 49% in CSD 6.
The Innovation
A radical investment in teachers with outstanding results
The history behind “One of the country’s most closely watched educational experiments” (The New York Times).