A Message from TEP’s Leadership Team

Dear Families of the Washington Heights and Inwood Community,

We know that these last weeks have been one of great difficulty and fear for many families. Some members of our school community may be feeling anxious or worried due to the recent news and policy changes at the federal level that affect immigrant families and threaten millions of people, including members of the Washington Heights and Inwood community. 

That is why it is of utmost importance for us to reaffirm our commitment to each of you. Specifically, that TEP Charter School, as a New York City public charter school authorized by the NYC Department of Education, will continue to be a safe space and haven where all are welcome and protected.

We remain alert and committed to defending the rights, dignity, and safety of our students and their families. In accordance with the law, our school never requests or records the immigration status of our students or their family members. At each TEP location, we will continue to uphold our safety protocols, especially in the event of any request for access or documentation by anyone without authorization.

It is also important that you know that law enforcement officers may not remove a student from school property or interrogate a student without the consent of the student’s parent or person with authorized parental relation. TEP does not allow officers inside school property to access a student, except to address an imminent safety emergency or where required by law with a warrant or order, signed by a judge.

We recognize that we are united by the values ​​of ensuring the well-being of our students and families, and we are here to support our community with all the resources at our disposal.

We will continue sharing pertinent information, including legal resources, information about your rights, and resources to support the well-being of our students and families. We invite families in our school community to keep an eye on school communications, and to connect with their social worker or school leadership, if they have any questions.

To watch the above video in English, click here.


Additional Online Resources

We Protect Us! – Know Your Rights – Make the Road New York

Immigration Law Help

The Legal Aid Society

New Americans | Department of State

New York Immigration Coalition

MOIA Immigration Legal Support Centers – ACCESS NYC


Immigration Defense Project

NYIC – Know Your Rights!